Part 2 - Relationships
Like emotions, everyone has some sort
of relationship with other people. Unless you are a castaway on an
island, you interact with people every day. Relationships with parents,
friends, and significant others (like a boyfriend or girlfriend) can be
rewarding and also frustrating.
Romantic relationships are a major developmental
milestone. They come with all the other changes going on during adolescence –
physical, social and emotional. And they’re linked to your child’s growing
interest in body image and looks, independence and privacy.
But don’t
forget that people tend to spend more time looking at an object, such as mobile
phones, than to a person that we share true spiritual connection.
In early years, romantic teen relationships can bring lots
of emotional ups and downs, and sometimes to the whole family. The
idea that your child might have these kinds of feelings can sometimes be a bit challenging
to you. Feelings like these guide your child towards a deeper capacity to care,
they are spiritual teachers that no one else can take over, they will share and
develop intimate relationships.
There isn’t a ‘right age’ to start having
relationships – every child is different, and every family will feel
differently about this issue. But here are some averages:
- · From 9 to 11 years, your child might start to show more independence from the family and more interest in friends.
- · From 10 to 14 years, your child might want to spend more time in mixed gender groups, which might eventually end up in a romantic relationship.
- · From 15 to 19 years, romantic relationships can become central to social life. Friendships might become deeper and more stable.
Many teenagers spend a lot of time thinking and talking about
being in a relationship. In these years, teenage relationships might last only
a few weeks or months. It’s also normal for children to have no
interest in romantic relationships until their late teens. Some choose to
focus on schoolwork, sport or other interests.
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