
Monday, 9 November 2015


Handmade Shoes with Soul

The inspiration comes from the brand’s tradition and modernity, the Portuguese culture and the wandering journeys with no set destination, in pursuit of an “harmonious and balanced” collection, says Angela Oliveira, to whom today’s biggest challenge is to provide “a shoe that is a perfect match for each occasion, a shoe that heightens the elegance and exclusivity of those who wear it”.
Aware of the importance of the costumers first approach with the product, Angela Oliveira demands that the Mariano’s “pass along the image of quality and comfort, that characterizes us”, and reminds that nowadays the brand is recognized for its “individual and manually finished, unique creations”.The concentration of both, development and complete production process, on the same facilities is of the utmost importance to the brand as this allows the “interaction of all departments with clear advantage to the products comfort and quality control”.
The design department may then develop its work while obtaining valuable feedback from the craftsmen, “in order to constantly adapt the creation process to the reality of the shoes assembly”.Along with its own collection, the design department also cooperates with other brands, “we work side by side with other Brand designers that wish to take advantage of our experience and know-how. Our technical advisory allows a coherent result, in line with their expectations, achieving the highest quality standards”.Developing a collection is an “exigent” process that “stimulates all those involved, allowing their personal contribution”, concludes Angela Oliveira. A process that gives life and soul to Mariano’s products. ( 

Wednesday, 4 November 2015

Teenager's Life - Part 2 - Relationships

Teenager’s Life

Part 2 - Relationships

Like emotions, everyone has some sort of relationship with other people. Unless you are a castaway on an island, you interact with people every day. Relationships with parents, friends, and significant others (like a boyfriend or girlfriend) can be rewarding and also frustrating.

Romantic relationships are a major developmental milestone. They come with all the other changes going on during adolescence – physical, social and emotional. And they’re linked to your child’s growing interest in body image and looks, independence and privacy.

But don’t forget that people tend to spend more time looking at an object, such as mobile phones, than to a person that we share true spiritual connection.

In early years, romantic teen relationships can bring lots of emotional ups and downs, and sometimes to the whole family. The idea that your child might have these kinds of feelings can sometimes be a bit challenging to you. Feelings like these guide your child towards a deeper capacity to care, they are spiritual teachers that no one else can take over, they will share and develop intimate relationships.

There isn’t a ‘right age’ to start having relationships – every child is different, and every family will feel differently about this issue. But here are some averages:

  1. ·      From 9 to 11 years, your child might start to show more independence from the family and more interest in friends.
  2. ·      From 10 to 14 years, your child might want to spend more time in mixed gender groups, which might eventually end up in a romantic relationship. 
  3. ·      From 15 to 19 years, romantic relationships can become central to social life. Friendships might become deeper and more stable.

Many teenagers spend a lot of time thinking and talking about being in a relationship. In these years, teenage relationships might last only a few weeks or months. It’s also normal for children to have no interest in romantic relationships until their late teens. Some choose to focus on schoolwork, sport or other interests.

Monday, 2 November 2015

Teen Life & Emotions - Part 1

Teen Life & Emotions

Part 1

As a teenager, you may be dealing with lots of emotional highs and lows. One minute you might feel great, the next you feel sad and tearful. This kind of shift in your moods is okay!

Teen life is changing constantly, just like your body. Nowadays life is fast paced and both teenager and adults have an active and full . These mood swings are not just hormones – you may be feeling a lot more pressure these days, and you are still developing the skills you need to deal with that pressure. You may be facing added responsibilities at home, tougher grading policies in school, and your friends may be changing.

As you grow older you will develop the skills you need to manage stress, but for now, just remember you are in a tough spot and need all the support you can get. Reach out to adults and friends – there is always someone there who cares for you. This section is devoted to issues involving emotions and relationships.

Being human is an emotional experience – we all have our moments of happiness, sadness, anger, depression, anxiety and a host of others feelings. How do we deal with those emotions? Why are some feelings harder to handle than others?

Legendary Man T-Shirt coming out soon...

Legendary Man T-Shirt coming out soon...